Daybreak Review

 Daybreak is a post-apocolyptic television series on Netflix that is sure to delight teenagers. The main character, Josh Wheeler, finds himself in a new world after adults release biowarfare bombs that kill or zombify anyone over the age of eighteen. Josh must battle "Ghoulies," Daybreak's take on zombies, as well as cliques of jocks, cheerleaders, 4-H club, and gamers, all while attempting to find Sam Dean, his highschool girlfriend and the love of his life.

Crude and filled with profane language, Daybreak is sometimes childish in its presentation. But the deep themes it explores, like identity, sexuality, self-acceptance, and feminism make this show enjoyable to both teens and adults. Its frequent reliance on 2019 popular culture may negatively date the show, however, and take away from the longetivity of it. Sometimes Daybreak is too self-indulgent for its own good.

3 out of 4 stars

Daybreak [Television series]. (2019, October 24). Los Angeles, CA: Netflix.

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